What are the different leagues?
GVSA has a variety of leagues for men, women, and coed.
The Men's Leagues have three different Divisions. Men's Upper (C/D) is for experience, competitive teams who have been together for many years. This is the most competative leaguge. Men's Middle (E1) is for teams who are competitive and have experience. Men's Lower (E2) is for new teams or teams with little to no experience. Often these teams are focused more on the fun than the competitioin. There is also a Masters +40 league, which requires all of the players to be 40 years of age.
The co-ed league has three divisions. Coed Upper (E1) is for experience, competitive teams who have been together for many years. This is the most competative leaguge. Coed Middle (E1) is for teams who are competitive and have experience. Coed Lower (E3) is for new teams or teams with little to no experience. Often these teams are focused more on the fun than the competitioin. We encourage new teams to discuss what type of players they have with one of the Player Reps before signing up for a division.
Finally, there is a Women's League, there are is a C division and a D division. The teams from both divisions play each other during the season.
What are the Fees?
There is a single fee for each team consisting of $1350 for Men's, $1,050.00 for Coed, and $650 for Women. Fee's are due prior to the season start date. Any team who has not paid, will not play until fee's are paid!
When is the Deadline for Team Registration?
Teams wanting to play during the 2023 Season must register on-line at www.gvsoftball.org and pay their League Fees on or before April 14, 2023.
When does the Season begin?
The 2025 Season begins on May 5th, and runs through the first weekend of August. The season finishes with District tournaments the last week of July or the first week in August. (Tournament dates)
What nights does each league play?
Tentatively, the leagues will play on the following nights. This might change based on the number of registered teams.
Men's Leagues - Tuesday and/or Thursday
Master's +40 Tuesday and/or Thursday
Women's Thursday
Co-ed Monday or Wednesday
Fridays will be reserved for make up games for all divisions.
What type of uniforms are required?
It is requested that each player on the team have a shirt with a number on the back. These can be as simple as a plain t-shirt with sponsor names and a number on the back. This helps the score keeper keep track of players.
What should the team name be?
Most teams use the sponsor as the team names. For example "Karl's Ice Cream". Or come up with your own name! Note: team names are subject to approval from GVSA (offensive language or things like that)
Where and when do we pick up packets?
Team information will be available on or before April 24th on www.gvsoftball.org. Your team packet (forms, scorebooks, balls, etc) are available at the Concession Stand any time during regular games (Mon-Thur 6pm-9pm). They will also be available at the payment meeting.
What if I do not have a team and would like to play?
Anyone who does not have a team can go to The GVSA Enrollment Page and enroll on the free agents listing.
How do teams looking for players find out who is looking for a team?
Teams looking for players can go to The GVSA Free Agents Page to find a list of players looking.
How do teams learn what the League Rules are?
All teams should visit the website and read the League rules under the "League Rules" link.